• Test Kits

  • Premixed • Premeasured • Precise

K-1533 Ammonia Vacu-vials Kit

Catalog No.: K-1533*
Range: 0 - 20 ppm
Method: Direct Nesslerization (extended shelf life)

The K-1533 Vacu-vials Ammonia Test Kit is a direct replacement for the discontinued K-1523 Vacu-vials test kit.

Kit K-1533 comes in a cardboard box and contains everything needed to perform 30 tests:  thirty ampoules, Stabilizer Solution, 25 mL sample cup, ampoule blank, and instructions.

This kit requires the use of a CHEMetrics Direct-Readout Photometer or a spectrophotometer capable of accepting a 13 mm diameter round cell.  Instrument sold separately. 

Shelf life: 18 months

Analysis Time: 2 minutes

*Contains mercury. Dispose according to local, state or federal laws.
