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Hydrogen Peroxide Test Kits

Hydrogen Peroxide Test Kits

What is Hydrogen Peroxide?
Peroxides are chemicals with an oxygen to oxygen bond. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is the simplest peroxide. Depending on the concentration, it is a colorless or pale blue liquid at room temperature that breaks down into the by-products of water and oxygen. Hydrogen peroxide is used in many industries due to its strong oxidizing properties. It is used as a bleaching agent for the pulp and paper industry. In municipal drinking water, wastewater, and water treatment industries, H2O2 controls taste and odor and removes hydrogen sulfide and iron. Various forms of advanced oxidation processes rely on H2O2 to effectively remediate environmental contamination. Hot hydrogen peroxide mists are used as a sterilant in aseptic and extended shelf-life packaging (ESL) equipment as the packages are formed in line.

Why Test for Hydrogen Peroxide?
Hydrogen peroxide treatment in food packaging must eliminate microbial pathogenic contamination. However, hydrogen peroxide residuals must then be removed before the filling process to prevent negative impacts to the products’ taste and nutritional profiles. The US FDA specifies a limit on H2O2 residual in packaging of no more than 0.5 parts per million (ppm). This hydrogen peroxide level is often referenced globally as an acceptable residual limit.

About Our Test Kits
offers a variety of visual kits for measuring the concentration of hydrogen peroxide in water. CHEMets® test kit K-5502 utilizes the DPD chemistry to measure hydrogen peroxide from 0 to 0.5 ppm. Several visual hydrogen peroxide detection kits employ the ferric thiocyanate chemistry and are available to determine low and high-concentration ranges. We also offer a Titrets® test (Cat. No. K-5530) that uses a ceric sulfate titrant with a ferroin indicator. This kit can determine H2O2 concentrations from 0.01% to as high as 20%, depending on the procedure used.

For instrumental testing, our Vacu-vials® ampoules (Cat. No. K-5543) utilize the ferric thiocyanate chemistry. Instrumental kits require the use of CHEMetrics direct-readout photometers or spectrophotometers capable of accepting a 13mm diameter round cell.

CHEMetrics also offers a 0.5 ppm hydrogen peroxide analytical standard (Cat. No. A-5505) that can be used to verify kit reagent and instrument performance reliability.

Further Reading
» Hydrogen Peroxide Analysis in the Presence of Peracetic Acid and Copper

» Hydrogen Peroxide Comparative Performance Study


Click on a catalog number in the tables below for more information on how to test for hydrogen peroxide or to purchase a test kit.

Visual Kits

Range MDL Method Kit Catalog No. Refill Catalog No.
0-0.5 ppm 0.025 ppm DPD K-5502 R-7904
0-0.8 & 1-10 ppm 0.05 ppm Ferric Thiocyanate K-5510 R-5510
5-50 ppm 5 ppm Ferric Thiocyanate K-5520D R-5510
25-250 ppm 25 ppm Ferric Thiocyanate K-5520A R-5510
125-1250 ppm 125 ppm Ferric Thiocyanate K-5520B R-5510
1000-10,000 ppm 1000 ppm Ferric Thiocyanate K-5520C R-5510
0.1-1.0% (up to 20% with dilution) 0.10% Ceric Sulfate Titrant with Ferroin Indicator K-5530

Instrumental Kits

Range Method Kit Catalog No.
0-6.00 ppm Ferric Thiocyanate K-5543
0-6.00 ppm Ferric Thiocyanate I-2016

Analytical Standard

Product Kit Catalog No.
Hydrogen Peroxide Standard A-5505


The Ferric Thiocyanate Method

Reference: APHA Standard Methods Online, Method 4500-H2O2 B-2020.

The ferric thiocyanate method consists of ammonium thiocyanate and ferrous iron in an acid solution. Hydrogen peroxide oxidizes ferrous iron to the ferric state, forming a red thiocyanate complex. Chlorine will not interfere with this method. Ferric iron, peracetic acid, and cupric copper will interfere. Results are expressed as ppm (mg/L) H2O2.

The DPD Method

References: USEPA Methods for Chemical Analysis of Waters and Wastes, Method 330.5 (1983). APHA Standard Methods, 23rd ed., Method 4500-Cl G-2000. D.F. Boltz and J.A. Howell, eds., Colorimetric Determination of Nonmetals 2nd ed., Vol. 8, p. 303 (1978).

With the DPD Method, hydrogen peroxide reacts with DPD (N, N-diethyl-p-phenylenediamine) in the presence of potassium iodide and ammonium molybdate to form a pink color. Various oxidizing agents such as halogens, ozone, and peracetic acid will produce high test results. Results are expressed as ppm (mg/L) H2O2.

The Ceric Sulfate Titrimetric Method

Reference: Developed by CHEMetrics, LLC

CHEMetrics developed a titrimetric method using ceric sulfate as the titrant and ferroin as the end point indicator. A color change from green to orange signals the end of the titration. Results are expressed as percent (%) H2O2. The test range can be modified by performing a sample dilution. Details are provided in the kit instructions for ranges of 0.01 – 0.1% through 2- 20%.