Ammonia — CHEMets Kit
Catalog No.: K-1420
Range: 0-4 & 0-80 ppm
MDL: 0.125 ppm
Method: Hydroxybenzyl Alcohol (HBA)
Notice: As of 7/8/2024 the comparator in this kit has been updated to include multiple ranges. Please reference your instructions to ensure you are using the correct scale.
Our K-1420 Ammonia Test Kit comes in a plastic case and contains everything needed to perform 30 tests (except distilled water): Refill, Comparator, Stabilizer Solution, Catalyzer Solution, Activator Solution, 25 mL sample cup, 3 mL syringe, and instructions.
This kit can be used to determine free ammonia concentration in the presence of monochloramine. See Technical Bulletin under the Technical Information tab.