
CHEMetrics Featured in Sentry Equipment’s Stand Ready Webinar

K-7540 Dissolved Oxygen CHEMets® Visual Test Kit Contents and Packaging

CHEMetrics is honored to be a part of the debut ‘Stand Ready’ webinar created and hosted by our colleagues at Sentry Equipment. The first topic is one of the most important: Monitoring and control of dissolved oxygen is critical for boiler operators since even low concentrations can be destructive, causing localized corrosion and pitting. Watch…

Welcome to the Newsroom!

CHEMetrics, LLC

Welcome to newly renovated CHEMetrics Newsroom! We have reworked this space to make it easier for you to find our latest articles and announcements. Don’t worry, your favorite articles are still here, just organized into new categories that you see on the right. Check back regularly to find the latest news and insightful articles from…

CHEMetrics Talks Peracetic Acid with the Words on Water Podcast

Listen to episode #178 of the Words on Water podcast to hear CHEMetrics R&D Director Joanne Carpenter and Katie Bell of Brown and Caldwell discuss the rise of peracetic acid and how it has become a disinfection alternative to UV and chlorine at water resource recovery facilities. Thanks to the Water Environment Federation (WEF) for producing…

New Study: CHEMetrics and Hach COD Vials Equivalent

New Comparative Performance Study Confirms CHEMetrics and Hach COD Vials Equivalent Midland, VA (April 15, 2020) — A new comparative analysis study conducted by the Virginia-based water analysis test kit manufacturing firm CHEMetrics shows its Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) testing products are equivalent to those manufactured by the Colorado-based Hach company. Specifically, the study demonstrated…

CHEMetrics Contributes to Development of First Approved Procedure for Measuring Peracetic Acid (PAA) Residuals in Wastewater

MIDLAND, VA – The PAA residual analysis method is now available as a Standard Method thanks in part to the work of CHEMetrics Research and Development Director Joanne Carpenter. In collaboration with colleagues from across the wastewater analysis industry and related regulatory agencies, Carpenter led the Standard Methods Joint Task Group to validate a legacy…